Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Diet Tip

Diet Tip: Fluids

Drinking plain water is always top choice on a diet.
You can also drink flavored water instead of soda.
Soda is nothing but empty calories. No nutrients,
lots of sugar. Instead, grab a bottle of water
flavored with a spritz of fruit.

Drink water. Even the FDA recommends at least 8
full 8 ounce glasses of water a day to keep your
body working right.

When you're dieting, you should drink even more.
It's not just that full feeling - water helps your
body digest foods properly, cleans out your system
and hydrates you. Many people are a little
dehydrated part of the time.

You can read many more diet tips in the weight loss reports.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.