Saturday, November 17, 2007

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips

I encourage you to make sure you get plenty of good drinking water
in each day and at least 5 or more servings of vegetables and some
fruit in each day. At the same time, lower the carbohydrate foods
you eat. Most of us eat too many.

Why not pick a nice outfit you want to be able to fit into a month
from now. Be realistic about the amount of weight you can lose and
divide that by four, so that you work at it week by week.

Sure, you will have weight plateaus, but having a physical goal and
something to look at is very helpful.

Be sure to get some exercise in each day. I have found lately that
reading an exciting fictional book, while I am on the treadmill
helps me stay at it, rather than get bored.

Take it one day at a time. That does not seem so overwhelming,
you know you have the willpower to do it for today. The next
day, do the same thing. You have the willpower to do it for today...

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

Visit for weight loss diets,weight loss plans.

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