Wednesday, February 04, 2009


This is a sad state of mind when a person chooses to
deny themselves much nutrition in order to lose weight.
It is even worse when alcohol is choosen over good
nutrition is in order to still be able to lose weight.
It even has a name now - Drunkorexia.

"If you want to restrict calories, you have to cut back
on either food or booze. For a college student or 20-
something who wants to party and have a good time yet
still have a bikini body, the choice is obvious.

The result is a trend among young people, particularly
young women, called drunkorexia—restricting food calories
to make room for drink calories. The practice is widespread:
30 percent of women between 18 and 23 diet so they can drink,
according to one study".

Read more at MSN

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